Sunday, August 28, 2005

Reunion Service- Sunday July 24

On Sunday we all got together to hear pastor Steve preach at Pastor Doug Tourgee's Church... was an excellent message about the prodigal son..."Welcome Home" was the overall theme.

...Carl and Theresa DeSimone were there, actively taking notes!

...and Michelle Tomasso and her son Zach pay rapt attention! is Mary Gribbin (Potvin) and her youngest son Andrew.

...and here are Joe and Courtney Savino, Charlene Russo, and Carl and Theresa DeSimone...

...and finally a couple of the culprits responsible for this reunion stuff...Pastor Steve, Brent and Chris Fooks...always the serious ones...but seriously folks, thanks again to all involved in the planning, all who attended, and anyone who in any way touched in our lives over the years. We hope you enjoyed yourselves, and please keep in touch!

Many Blessings,

The GT/LCC 2005 Youth Reunion Committee (sorry we couldn't get everyone together for the picture!)

Youth Reunion Banquet- Saturday July 23

Yes, here we are at the banquet...a very serious and somber was really hard to get anyone to be comfortable!

...see the beautiful portrait of Jon Sauerbrey and his wife Heather (Sanford). Jon, love the look!

Here are Heather's brother's Jim and John Sanford...

...and here we have Libby Chapralis and Kerri Silverman (Robbio), posing for pictures in front of the "picture" table...yes, we had hundreds of pictures for years of youth events!

...and Neil Chapralis and Paul Wirtzberger, just waiting for the food to be served...

...Susanna Sanford (Jim's wife) must have just told a real funny got a laugh out of Heather!

...and as they enter...Courtney Savino (Ainscough) and her sister Charlene Russo (Ainscough) with Kerri and Joe Silverman...

...and here we have the start of the Conga Line...Facing us are Dennis Waddington, Renee Delfino (Denton), and Michelle Laliberte is waiting her turn patiently at the end of the line...

Hey there John Volatile, pictured here with his lovely wife Leah (Swinburne)...

...and here is Missy (Torres) and Joshua Newman...looking great!

...Now Everyone Look at the Camera and say "Cheese" ...

...come on Pastor Steve, stop telling all those jokes so we can get a picture...

...ok, ok...can we get a serious group picture?...I guess not...oh was a great night!

Goddard Park Picnic - Saturday July 23

On Saturday, we started the day at Goddard Park...with a picnic and games for all!

Here we see pastor Steve with his mom, Fanny Crino. For those of you who remember going to her house to watch movies after was great to see her!

We played lots of games..the kids especially liked the wiffle ball! Here we see Julie Sandin, some of her nephews, her sister-in-law Susan Sandin (David Sandin's wife) and pastor Steve's kids getting ready to bat...

And here is the other team watching someone hit...or are they shouting to pastor Steve not to eat the chex mix because it has nuts in it?

Here we have Cole (Martinez) Fooks swinging for the fences...only if there were fences...

...this is Lorna (Sandin) Grafe's daughter Megan, just taking it all in and chillin' on a very WARM day...

...this is Ben Chadwick and his wife Courtney and their beautiful one year old daughter Braelee...for some reason Ben was staying in the shade (for those of you that remember how much he likes the sun?)

And here we see David Sandin's oldest daughter...a real soccer player!...

...What's that Lorna Grafe (Sandin) is asking? All we brought for luch is tuna salad sandwiches?...sorry pastor Steve!

...and here we have the lovely Holly Spicer! Just relaxing and looking at the pictures from the beach and cookout...

...Julie Sandin put together a great picnic lunch! Alan Grafe (Lorna Sandin's husband) doesn't know where to start...

...and then who should walk up...Brenda Keefe! She was just riding by, and noticed us in the field. Here she and Theresa Crino are catching up on stuff...

...come on Dave Dieterly...just pick a sandwich already...Aaron can't be saying something that interesting!

...and here we have the proud aunt Jessica Davenport with her nephew Luke Chapralis...use the force Luke!

...Neil, Luke, Libby (Davenport) Chapralis with Jessica Davenport. All stopped in for lunch and to enjoy the afternoon...

After lunch we all just relaxed in any shade we could is Mrs. (Kathy) Davenport in a discussion over the meaning of life with Mary Gribbin...or just talking about the kids!

...And finally just posing for some pictures...Julie Sandin, Chris Fooks, Brent Fooks, Susan Sandin and her youngest daughter, oh almost forgot that can of Sprite!

...Steve, you forgot just how good Del's is? You've been in MO. way to long!

...and finally a picture of Dave Dieterly and Holly Spicer, just packing up and getting ready to go! That does it for a great afternoon at the park. Thanks to all who made it possible, and all who came was great!

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Cookout @ Savino's- Friday July 22

On Friday Night we had a cookout at Joe and Courtney (Ainscough) Savino's House...

Here is Joe at the grill with Don (Donnie) Browne. Don flew up from Florida to be with us, and it was great to see him!

Here we have Amanda (Duclos) Towne with Jodi (LaLiberte) and Paul Wirtzburger, and Teddy Gribbin just hanging out by the pool...

Steve and Karlene (Smith) Rogers on the deck smiling for the camera...

Here we have Chrissy (Rogers) Fooks and her big brother Steve Rogers deep in some philosophical conversation...I think it was about who the Red Sox were going to acquire in a trade (for those of you who know Steve) or what crazy antics Chris' youngest child was up to (those of you that know Chris & Cole)...

Hey how did our resident photographer Renee Wilmouth get in a picture? Is this the work of her boyfriend Brian...or is it some sinister plot perpetrated by her former L.I.F.E. group to expose her to the rest of the world for just what she is...a great person? Anyway, here she is with Jodi...

Here we have the Gribmeisters themselves, Mary and Teddy Gribbin. They are putting all those wacky games we used to play on Friday nights into practice in real life by having 2 teenaged sons at home!

Here is Pastor Steve and Amanda Towne. Pastor Steve looks as if he just threw something at the camera...and Amanda looks like she is up to no good herself, maybe she just threw her kids into the pool?

No Karlene...don't push Dale in the pool...he still has his shoes on...

Here you see Dale conspiring with Don Browne and John Volatile on how they can hold Karlene still while he douses her with the water bottle he is showing them...

and here we have Steve and Audrey (Rogers) Aston...and Teddy who is running to get into the picture!

How do these kids rate, getting all the best seats? Here we have Jake Gribbin, Cole Fooks, and Dale Swinburne...which one of them will own up to the purse?

Now this is what you call sitting on the deck! Here you have Patience Towne and Daphne Boudreau just getting to know each other and chillin...

And the distinctive beard and white hair...yes you are right...Fred Waddington with his wife Doreen (Tourgee) sitting with John Volatile as the kids enjoy the pool...