Sunday, August 28, 2005

Youth Reunion Banquet- Saturday July 23

Yes, here we are at the banquet...a very serious and somber was really hard to get anyone to be comfortable!

...see the beautiful portrait of Jon Sauerbrey and his wife Heather (Sanford). Jon, love the look!

Here are Heather's brother's Jim and John Sanford...

...and here we have Libby Chapralis and Kerri Silverman (Robbio), posing for pictures in front of the "picture" table...yes, we had hundreds of pictures for years of youth events!

...and Neil Chapralis and Paul Wirtzberger, just waiting for the food to be served...

...Susanna Sanford (Jim's wife) must have just told a real funny got a laugh out of Heather!

...and as they enter...Courtney Savino (Ainscough) and her sister Charlene Russo (Ainscough) with Kerri and Joe Silverman...

...and here we have the start of the Conga Line...Facing us are Dennis Waddington, Renee Delfino (Denton), and Michelle Laliberte is waiting her turn patiently at the end of the line...

Hey there John Volatile, pictured here with his lovely wife Leah (Swinburne)...

...and here is Missy (Torres) and Joshua Newman...looking great!

...Now Everyone Look at the Camera and say "Cheese" ...

...come on Pastor Steve, stop telling all those jokes so we can get a picture...

...ok, ok...can we get a serious group picture?...I guess not...oh was a great night!


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